About the company

Entity title
Foundation year
Company size
201-500 empleados


Global company focused on generating investment and financing solutions for individuals, families, companies and institutions; Wealth Management, Capital Markets, Investment Funds, Sales & Trading.

Puente made the decision to hire Complif primarily because of onboarding, where they not only found digital onboarding that improved the customer experience, and the process itself, but also file management and customer monitoring.

“The onboarding of human people really simplified the process, we see the benefits in the short term.”

They emphasize the way of working and implementing it with an agile methodology, and the system being a very friendly tool.

“I don't know of any other tool like this one. I know a lot of tools but none of them solve them comprehensively. We are happy with the choice we made.”

How can we help your company from Complif?

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Juan Cuccia

AML Manager at Puente Hnos

Public Accountant and Bachelor of Business Administration. Specialist in the prevention and control of money laundering. He was Money Laundering Prevention manager for the Supervielle Group. Postgraduate Professor in Global Prevention of Money Laundering and the Financing of Terrorism, Faculty of Law, UBA.

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