Episode #06

Rocío Diaz: The queen of regional licenses in a regulated market.

1h 09m

New #E06 In which we received Rocío Diaz, current Head of Legal & Compliance at Pomelo 🚀 Rochi tells us what it's like to be the head of a startup with exponential growth, mega-regulated and with operations and clients throughout LATAM. What are the licensing processes like in each country? ; What are your best practices for having allied law firms at each landing? What was it like to enter the early stage of Pomelo? As always, a 360 tour of the person we interviewed, their personal and professional decisions throughout their career and their future plans. Thank you Ro for such a nice interview! May they enjoy it.

About the guest

Rocio Diaz

Head of Legal & Compliance at Pomelo

Passionate about dances and art, public speaking and debates. Lawyer graduated from the Austral University and later with an LLM from Boston University School of Law in the United States. An expert in payment methods, regional regulation and also with an impeccable previous experience in energy law. Rocío tells us how she found her strength in being a mediator and negotiator in conflict situations, and how that led her to choose her professional career and her path developing as Pomelo's current regional legal and compliance leader.

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