Onboarding Digital

6 ways in which Complif improves your account opening process

At Complif, we accompany financial institutions throughout the life cycle of their users, from onboarding with account opening to information requirements and regulatory reporting.

Our Account Opening Form is a 100% customizable web application which makes it possible to offer a easy, simple and digital experience to prospects who wish to open an account or request a financial product. Customers can have their account ready in as little as 24 hours.

By adopting Complif, financial institutions not only optimize their internal processes, but also offer a better user experience, resulting in the conversion of more customers.

Next, we'll explain 6 key benefits that Complif brings to the user experience.

  1. 100% digital onboarding: Complif allows a completely digital incorporation process, eliminating the need for face-to-face procedures and facilitating an agile and efficient user experience from the first contact.
  2. Identity validation: Complif uses video selfie technology to automatically validate the user's identity, ensuring security and trust without the need for complicated processes.
  3. Automatic data loading: The platform automates the upload of personal information by extracting and contrasting card and biometric data with identity providers. This reduces errors and speeds up the verification process.
  4. Approval/rejection of documentation in real time: One of Complif's most innovative features is its ability to perform approvals or rejections of live documents using OCR (Optical Character Recognition). This functionality allows an immediate pre-validation of uploaded documents, informing the customer instantly if the documents are correct or if they need to make any corrections.
  5. Automating information update requests: When a data update is required, Complif automatically sends an email to the customer requesting the necessary information. If there is no response, the platform sends periodic reminders (daily, weekly or monthly) to ensure that the information is always up to date.
  6. Customer support at every step of account opening: Complif provides the option for the financial institution to provide support to its users throughout the account opening process, ensuring that users have immediate assistance to resolve any questions or inconveniences, thus improving customer satisfaction and trust.

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