About the company

Entity title
Foundation year
Company size
51-200 empleados


Arpenta is a group of companies that provide a comprehensive financial service in the capital market. The organization is comprised of excellent professionals, with more than two decades of experience and experience in the market.

Arpenta realizes during the pandemic that opening accounts in person was not going to be possible. They analyzed several providers for digital onboarding, and they define that Complif was the solution they were looking for, because it not only includes digital onboarding, but also covers compliance processes in a comprehensive way.

“We have constant reciprocity between what we ask for and they give us solutions. They are constantly asking how they can help and are pushing the project to go into production as soon as possible.”

They highlight the time savings when moving to 100% digital and online onboarding, also understanding that it is a commitment to improving the customer experience of Arpenta, who at the time of opening an account should not be filling out papers or forms in person and by hand.

“From the customer side, the experience is much better, frictionless. While internally, we save time, the analysis is much faster, everything is centralized and clearly sectorized to understand where to look for all the documentation. Having everything unified saves a lot of time.”

As they remark: “it's the complete combo”. Complif integrates all Compliance processes, from onboarding, to the daily operation of a client; that is the differential.

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Mario Ledesma

Operations Control and Money Laundering Prevention at Arpenta Valores S.A.

He began as a Back OfficeBack Office at Mildesa Serviços Bursatiles S.A., then as Head of Operations at Banco Rio Negro, Banco Patagonia, and finally 19 years ago as Operations Control and Money Laundering Prevention at Arpenta Valores S.A.
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