About the company

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Foundation year
Company size
+200 empleados


Inviu is an investtech part of the Galicia Financial Group that simplifies, through technology, the way in which its clients invest. It seeks to transform the way we invest in the region. It was created with a focus on people and they rely on technology to offer a unique experience through simple, intuitive and memorable products. How does Complif help Inviu with company onboarding?

“Complif's digital onboarding allowed us to scale our business segment efficiently. Before, we had to review the company's data, its representatives, shareholders, beneficiaries and the associated documentation of all of these manually. Now with Complif, 90% of tasks are automatic.”

At Inviu, they analyzed the documentation with documents and PDFs by hand. They were looking for a comprehensive solution that would facilitate this management.

One of the tools that stand out the most is onboarding. This Complif functionality made a task that was carried out in a very tedious way for employees, something that no one wants to do and took hours in addition to several people, something super intuitive, friendly and timed that in 5 minutes or less you can open an account.

They also highlight the crossing of lists as a star feature that helps them a lot and the new OCR tool. This is something that was needed from the start so that a customer could upload a document to their website and complete the mandatory questions and requirements.

About the equipment:

“They are attentive to things that hurt and to the needs of complex tasks, finding a way to make it easier and be able to speed them up. An attentive team that doesn't stop at one request and delve into the need we have and what it hurts for some tasks, finding a way to make it easier to generate good results.”

How can we help your company from Complif?

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Dario Gonzalez Monaco

Onboarding Team Leader at Inviu

After his extensive experience in customer service, he can affirm that he developed his vocation for customer contact and wants to continue to improve himself, venturing into new projects and experiences that validate this premise. Its objective is to develop all the potential in their work skills for professional and personal growth within a company and thus undertake a future career plan.

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